What About Moldy-Looking VHS Tapes?
Evident crystal-like white powder, resembling mold at first glance, is actually a chemical reaction that occurs as the VHS tape slowly deteriorates.
A tape exhibiting this appearance will not playback in your deck for long. Soon, the fine, flaky powder will coat the inside of your VHS deck, and the deck head, which reads the tape, will cease producing a clean image. You will notice an increasing number of dropouts as the powder continues to accumulate on the head.
However, we can likely repair this—cost: $35.00 per tape. (For more than six tapes, the rate is $30 per tape.)
Eventually, the deck will need to be sent out for cleaning because those long cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol will only suffice as a 'quick fix' for so long.
The tapes below required special hand-cleaning treatment before transfer. Initially, the tape case is disassembled and then meticulously cleaned.